Entry 9 - Floating, by Blake Shutt

01.08.20 Edit 2.jpg

Floating by Blake Shutt (@blakeshutt_)

I’m new to Hickory as I just moved here from Atlanta and I have a passion for capturing a moment in time and showing what the imagination can do. I have always had a passion in technology and creativity whether it’s video, photo, sketching, computer building, coding, and so much more. I want to explore the world showing others my passion and creativity.

With inspiration from a Peter McKinnon video, a camera from a friend and my girlfriend activating the shutter, I created my first creative photo. I believe it’s fitting with the current pandemic as most of us are stuck, wondering if they should go in one direction or another. Undecided on what to do, where to go. Having anxiety causing derealization and an out of body experience.