Entry 51- bending parallels, by Madison Sterner

bending parallels by Madison Sterner (@clam__cup)

My work expands on various techniques in intaglio printing, screen-printing, lithography, bookmaking, cyanotype sun prints, paper making, and painting. I have advanced my research in traditional undergraduate etching courses at Virginia Commonwealth University and through interning and screen-printing at the non-profit, Studio Two Three. When making my work, I am thinking about the comparison between human and botanical figures, placing emphasis on personal presentation in relation to power and authority.

This book is based on the obscuring and abstracting of human and plant forms in an effort to morph the two. The structure is earthy and delicate in form, bending the distinction between start and finish.  The concept expands on a deeper connection to plant life during a time when we are forced to grapple with our complex relationships and similarities with the earth.